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Easy Leads Management with Easy Business Builder

So what is a lead in EBB?

Simply put, a lead in EBB can be a contact, a customer, a client, or a subscriber, and can be any or all of those at the same time.  A lead can subscribe to multiple autoresponders, can be put into multiple groups, can be tagged, and can be classified to distinguish them from other leads you have added.

When you capture someone's contact information with one of your forms, they bcome your lead.  A lead is someone you try to sell or upsell things too.  Once someone is your lead and has verified their email address, you have the right to contact them via email through our system.

Once you have started collecting leads, your leads manager will look like the one pictured below.

First column: contains a checkbox, so you can select and perform actions on multiple leads at once.  If you'd like to tag several leads with 'black tshirt' (to indicate they purchased a black thsirt from you), you would click the gold 'actions' button near the top, enter the tag, and then click the button to apply the tags.  Check the box at the top to select all the leads on the current page.

Second column (bullseye icon): contains an icon that quickly tells you how responsive this lead is.  If you hover over it, the tooltip will tell you what each icon means.  If there's a snowflake, it means the lead is very unresponsive.  A thermometer indicates that a lead is active, and the height of the thermometer indicates how active.  If there is a flame, then the lead is very responsive to your emails.

CTR: The third column shows a percentage, which is the leads Click Through Ratio.  This is the percentage of emails this lead has clicked a link in.

Fourth column (tags icon): contains an icons that, if you hover over it, will show you what you have tagged this lead with.

Type: You can create your own custom lead type classifications.  A lead can only be assigned to one classification at a time.

Team:  In EBB, you can create teams and share leads with members of the team.  They can then do followups and add comments to the lead.  If there is a team assigned, the teams logo will be displayed.  I'll cover teams in another article.

Discussions (chat icon):  If there is a discussion for this lead (comments), you can click this icon to open it, read, and respond.  Discussions are used by teams to communicate what is happening with a lead.

Source:  The lead source can be a form or whatever you choose it to be.  You can create custom sources, so that when you add leads manually, you can select where each lead was obtained.  When you email leads, you can filter by Lead Source.

Last Emailed:  This is when you last emailed this lead.  You can click on the quickview icon to the right to see what the subject line was of the last email you sent to this person.

Bounces:  This is the number of times their email bouned.  We automatically disable sending emails to a lead if their email address bounces a couple of times and we update the icon in the second column to a 'bomb', indicating it is a bad lead.  You can then delete that lead to keep your lists clean.  When you delete a lead, it is removed from all your autoresponders, groups, etc.

Added on:  This, of course, is the date they were added to the system.

- Click this to open the quickview popup. This will provide you with some stats and contact info, which is especially useful if you are calling leads or just want to see how responsive they are to your emails.
- Click this to edit this lead, view what autoresponders they are subscribed to, which groups they are in, custom data, activity history, and more.
- Click this button to email this lead. You can email multiple leads using the bulk emailer. We'll get more into that in another article.
- Clicking this button will take you to the appointments calendar where you can schedule an appointment with this lead. The appointment will show up on your dashboard calendar.
- Click this button to delete the contact. If you want to delete multiple leads, use the checkboxes and the actions button to remove them.

Brought to you by
Mildred L Hedrington

Welcome!! My name is Mildred Hedrington, I am your sponsor and am here to help you get the most out of Easy Business Builder(EBB For Short). If you have any questions or need help please feel free to ask. You can contact me or Todd Perry within EBB. My Id is mlhedrington

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