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Why Do So Many Internet Startups Fail Today?
              Internet and eBusiness

The Right Mindset Just Isn’t There!

You have most likely heard the phrase, ‘He has an attitude!” This is usually a derogatory remark made about a person with a disagreeable attitude.

But the word ‘attitude’ is an important one when discussing internet marketing start-ups. A good attitude...a good mind set can’t insure success but a bad attitude and a bad mind set can certainly guarantee failure.

Here are some wrong attitudes that will absolutely guarantee failure:

I can work when I want to. Wrong, wrong, wrong! You can’t just work when you feel like it. You have to expect to put in many long and very tedious hours of very hard work to make a new internet enterprise succeed.

I can get rich quick!  You couldn’t be more wrong and you are not only wrong but you are putting yourself in danger as well. There are bazillions of crooks out there on the internet who are waiting for their next easy mark, and if you are looking for a quick way to get rich, you ARE the next mark.

It is possible to make a very comfortable living with internet marketing enterprises but if anybody ever tells you it is quick or easy, they are lying to you.

I don’t need a business plan.  There you are...wrong yet again. Internet business is still business. All of the same business principles apply to online business as apply to brick and mortar business. It is imperative that you have a plan for success that is based upon these sound business principles.

When you have an internet business of your own, you don’t have a boss.  Wrong again! You are your boss. If you aren’t a good boss who sees to it that work is accomplished on time and in full, you will doom yourself to certain failure. Unless you are a boss who sets up a working schedule and establishes goals that must be met, you will find yourself working at a job under a boss who does do those things and maybe for minimum wage.

About Jon Wallen

I worked from home as a freelance web developer for over 10 years before I became a full time mail carrier at my local post office, and part time co-owner of Easy Business Builder. I have experience in web application development, specializing in eCommerce and affiliate systems. I built a shopping cart system and sold it for several years, have worked on MLM websites, and various membership sites. I have over 20 years of experience developing websites. I am the primary developer for EBB and most everything you see here is my work. I started working on EBB with Todd Perry in 2014, and it's growing and evolving on a weekly basis.

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