*Security Awareness* is the knowledge gained, and the learned attitude members possess regarding the protection of the physical, and especially informational, assets of that organization. Computer security concerns that we can help prevent and control, including malware, phishing, ransomware, social engineering and more.
Dealing with security is like going back to the basics of learning how to operate your computer.
In many ways, Https is identical to Http because it follows the same basic protocols. The Http or Https client, such as a Web browser, establishes a connection to a server on a standard port. However, Https offers an extra layer of security because it uses SSL to move data.
You may not know this little fact: certain browser features require HTTPS to work. Features like getting a user’s location, accessing their microphone, or storing data locally on their device, all require that your website supports HTTPS.
Imagine a user connects to your site and someone else on the network can piggyback on your access to their webcam or microphone and eavesdrop. Or worse, that network attacker entirely fabricates a request to access their webcam with an HTTP injection.
Since Google’s initial concept, its proposal has evolved into “Secure Contexts,” a W3C draft that hopes to become the internet the standard for defining secure access to these advanced browsers features.
In spite of Secure Contexts being drafted, new features and standards have already been designed to require HTTPS from their inception—the biggest being HTTP/2. All major browsers require websites use HTTPS with HTTP/2, meaning you have absolutely no access to the newer version of the internet’s core protocol if you’re still serving unencrypted HTTP.
Even if you don’t use these features on your website, this should serve as an eye-opener for just how serious major browsers like Chrome and Firefox are about HTTPS.
Hello and welcome to a bit about me.
After 20 plus years in the internet marketing game, the little bit becomes a whole lot. I am a copywriter and a blogger.
My first love is writing and it has stuck with me during my online career. Googling Fran Csaszar and Fran Klasinski, will paint a more detailed picture. as will reading two of my blogs listed here on my Profile page.>
I run the gamut from woman to wife, to mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, (In a few months I make the great great-grandmother level). My family is large and my pride and joy. The older they all get, the more it scares me. Do I really have to admit I am getting ahem older?
I like working with new and experienced people alike on the net. Getting to know you is fun as we find out we have so much in common. It becomes easy to share mutual knowledge to help you make better choices that result in you realizing your dreams.Easy Business Builder is a wonderful platform providing me with all the tools to create pages that could just fit nicely on my websites. My practice board so to speak. A place we can again share what we learn.
What I can't get over, is the complete list building tools that include unlimited autoresponders and tons of emails to fit what I am promoting - EBB for certain, as everybody needs what it provides. It has saved me a fortune in separate tools costs; relieved the worry of running out of space on my various autoresponder automation; and provided me the time to learn and use the saved time wisely learning and implementing the full meaning of 80% marketing and 20% seeking new prospects.
Does that mean? Leads + conversions = income. And I have the time to look after each of you because of time saved
I look forward to meeting you. IF You use skype: then add me. Lets connect and get to know one another.
SKYPE: fran.klasinski,
Feel free to join me in Easy Business Builder- let's grow our future together.